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The diversity of Internet of Things (IoT) applications has revolutionized the way we interact with technology. Thanks to the innovative possibilities it allows, all market sectors are undergoing significant structural changes.




The advances are so many that many people don't realize that the IoT is closer than it seems!

After all, do you know how this technology can be applied? We will show here how IoT came about, how it works, what are its main impacts on society and its biggest applications in today's world.


A device with IoT technology is nothing more than an electronic that can communicate with other systems through a wireless (wireless) connection. In other words, the device is capable of transmitting data to a digital solution, just as it happens between devices connected to the Internet.

Imagine, for example, a temperature sensor on a machine. With IoT technology, it can be inserted in hard to reach places. Over the wireless network, it sends the data collected in real time to software that monitors it with high precision. And this is just one of the applications in the industry, a sector that is among the most benefited by IoT.



Information is able to generate value, promoting more effective decision-making in the operational routine. In this sense, one of the main impacts of the IoT is the speed gain in data transfers.

Through wireless and automated connections, human intervention is no longer the main vector for data collection and storage. No wonder the range of Internet of Things applications in retail and industry is so large.


IoT tends to reduce the use of electrical cables and wires, benefiting businesses and home users. Communication "over the air" should take almost absolute proportions in the coming years, at least for data exchange.


As you can see, the applications of the Internet of Things are many. From the integration of corporate data in the management system (ERP) to home use, the benefits are many. Therefore, invest in the modernization of your technological infrastructure and achieve even better results in your company.

Find out about how the solutions created by I9techx can help your business. 

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